Please carefully read the Funding Guidance and Eligibility before applying.
Your application should be a Word document of no more than four A4 pages, including a precise budget or exact costs on a single document. Please use a font of no less than 12 point and use your charity name as the document title. Address your application to the Trustees.
All of the below essential information must be provided in order to be considered.
Essential information for the application:
- The address of the charity
- An email address for a named contact at the charity
- The charity registration number
- The exact name of the charity as registered with the commission
- The percentage of those over the age of 65 who will benefit from the grant
- A website address for the charity (if applicable)
- The charity’s bank account number, sort code, branch name and address. Please provide the exact name of the charity as held by the bank. Do not email a bank statement.
- A copy of most recent annual review/accounts – as a web link to the appropriate charity commission (not a pdf)
- A precise budget or exact cost of the item/s for which you are applying
- If you are applying for a chair, please provide the specific make and model
- If you are applying a specialised item, please provide the specific make and model
- If your application relates to the refurbishment of a property owned by your charity, please include the address of the property
- If the application is in regard to refurbishment, please name the item/s you wish Trustees to consider and provide specific costs
- If appropriate, include interior/exterior images of your property
How do I structure my application?
- Include the purpose of your charity and its objectives
- Provide details of the need and purpose of the project/initiative
- Who will benefit and how? What are the specific benefits to the over-65s?
- Provide the total and exact cost of the project/equipment/capital work
- If appropriate, provide a breakdown of this cost and itemise what needs to be funded
- Provide the address of the location of where the grant will be used
- If appropriate include the number of elderly people who will benefit from this application
- If applicable, include how much money has been raised and from whom and how you plan to raise the shortfall
- If you have not raised funds yet and the project/item you are applying for costs more than £1,500, please outline which other funding sources you have applied to.
All applications must be sent by email:
Send your application, saved as one single Word document, to the Trustees at: